Creating a stylegide with sc5
2 Javascript functions to speed up the layout
Automation layout start
How we use SVG sprites (new way)
Shopify: adding additional information about the user
Shopify: password recovery and reset
Shopify. Connecting Slick slider
Shopify: registration of a new user
Shopify: add the site search
WordPress theme development - Header.php
WordPress theme development – Connect your styles and scripts
Developing of WordPress theme – Main definitions
Shopify: Displaying the menu
Shopify: Menu output
Spotify. Work with sections
Automatic layout testing with BackstopJS
Web fonts 2016. Connect and use.
CBEM - Container, Block, Element, Modifier
Memo about .editorconfig
Getting started with gulp.js
Splitting styles with sass
Icon Fonts
Organizing form elements with pug
Site buttons organization with Sass
How we use SVG sprites